Friday, March 19, 2010


I am going to give this whole 'blogging' thing a try... although my memory is pretty bad, so it probably won't get updated often enough to keep a reader's attention, and quite honestly, we are a pretty low key, quiet family, so I can't imagine what would be interesting to read about... but let's give it a whirl...

Updates on Miss Madelynn:

Our little Miss Madelynn is in Kindergarten, and has just been doing so wonderfully well. She is an EXCELLENT reader, and has been reading anything she can get her hands on... her reports cards have been glowing, and she just loves her Kindergarten teacher.

She is currently attending A.L.A. Cheer Academy, and in January performed at a pre-game performance at a Pacer game... it was probably scary for her to walk out on the court, and see all of those seats and people, but she performed beautifully, and we were so VERY proud of her! She auditioned for a competition team, and made it for next season, so she has been working hard to perfect her back handspring (sometimes it is scary, but she did it all by herself!)... so look for updates on her progress (she is starting to work on a round off back handspring, and when she gets that we will definitely celebrate!)

John is starting to look for a new motorcycle, so he has been busy looking up different models, etc... he wants me to get my motorcycle license, so I can ride his old bike and we can form our own 'biker gang' (we should adopt the name 'the bogueymen', lol!) but I think I might be just fine and content to ride on the back of his bike! We'll see how that goes, I guess! He has been counting down the days until spring since winter is too cold to ride, so lately there has been a spring in his step as he gets ready in the mornings for work, since he gets to take his bike now instead of driving the car. He is really looking forward to the Indianapolis 500 this year since after trying to go to the race for the last 10 years, he FINALLY gets to go this year! It seems like we always have always had something planned for race weekend...

I am especially excited, since Madelynn and I are going to be on our way to Savannah, GA in less than two weeks! We are going to be traveling with my dad, and his fiance, Cindy. John has to work, so he will be hanging out at home with Violet. He is sad to not be able to go with us, but in July we will be visiting the mega monster waterpark resorts in the Wisconsin Dells, so he is content to wait for that, since it has ended up being one of his favorite places to go.

We have been following Dave Ramsey's 'Financial Peace University', and since last July, we have paid off *pretty much* all of our debt... the few things that are still left are very small and piddly things... so by May, we will be able to say that we are completely debt free, and ready to move on to emergency saving of 3-6 months... it is been a hard journey, but totally worth the effort. I recommend anyone who wants to stop working for their money, and make their money work for them, to take this course.

SO... other than working, and school for Madelynn, we try to get outside when it's nice enough, and go out to eat every now and again, and relax... so I guess all is well, and I will write as soon as something happens that is interesting to write about!


  1. It looks good!!! It takes a bit to figure out but just something fun to do and waste time!!

  2. Awesome job, Tara! :-) Hi to Miss Madelynn for me! I don't update our blog as often as I would like.. but check it out anyway, if you want! ~ Jill :-)
