Thursday, May 17, 2012

Moving Plans

John and I made a big decision- we are moving the family down to Beaumont, Texas! We will be 20 minutes from the ocean, and 1 minute from his family. It's something we have discussed for years, and we are now prepared to make it happen! Only 6 more weeks until moving day!

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Location:From Plainfield, Indiana to Beaumont, Texas

Mother's Day 2012

What a wonderful day! It was also little Juliet's 1st birthday, so we also celebrated that as well. Brunch at Boulder Creek, cake, gifts, and then a visit to "Pottery By You" for a fun family activity.

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Monday, March 12, 2012


So yes... I WILL be shampooing my carpets this week, thanks for asking! :)

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lazy Saturday

On the agenda for today- A Whole Lot Of Nothing!

We have dinner planned with some friends, Lisa and Larry... Otherwise, resting, napping, and probably some cleaning (yuck).

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Friday, March 9, 2012

De-Cluttering and Re-Organizing

Ahhh.... If Hoarders is a show about people who hold on to stuff, I should be on a show for the direct opposite. The last few weeks, every room, cabinet, storage bin, and drawer has been emptied and only the essentials and most loved items saved. Next on my list are a carpet shampooing, kitchen/bathroom floor scrubbing, and window washing. Welcome Spring, with open arms!!!

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Captain, and his First Mate, Madelynn!!!

Remember this boat from the previous post? We took this boat on a tour up and down the Savannah River!
When we were boarding the boat, the captain was greeting all of the passengers; when it was our turn, he told Madelynn she was such a cutie, she could come up and visit the bridge of the boat anytime she she is getting ready to climb the first set (out of 4) to get all the way to the top of the boat, to the bridge!

Here is the captain showing Madelynn the control's on the boat, and what each one does... he said he USED to let kids *steer* the boat but now there are too many legal liabilities involved so he isn't allowed to even let the pretend to :( so sad.

In order to dock the boat, there is a special steering 'stick' that is used, and he stands out over the edge of the boat on this platform...

He was showing Madelynn the different markers he looked for to be sure he docked properly...

Madelynn said that this experience was one of the best of the whole trip! It was so neat, even I was grinning ear to ear from how exciting it was!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Downtown Savannah, GA

After a 13 hour car ride, we FINALLY arrived in beautiful Savannah, Ga. Savannah is one of our family's favorite places to go, next to the Wilderness Resort in the Dells (Wisconsin). The town has so much history, you can practically FEEL it in the air, not to mention everything there is just gorgeous. Plus the beach is 20 minutes away!

Erik was the very best tour guide we could possibly have- I know it probably killed him to
look like a tourist, but we really appreciated
having him there to help us get around; plus it
so great to get to see him and spend time
This is the river ferry we rode up
and down the Savannah River... Madelynn
got to meet the captain!

We ate dinner in this building, the oldest structure still standing in Georgia, 'The Pirate House'. It dates back to I think the 1730's. Madelynn was VERY concerned that ghosts were watching us

There were a LOT of opportunites to take pictures of old buildings...

And this beautiful building caught my eye!

River Street is right on 'the River' obviously.. one of the most historic parts of town.

Dad was VERY interested in the Spanish Moss that hung from the trees... is is a member of the pineapple family, and the branches it hangs on don't grow leaves.